GPs across the UK are suffering. Most readers will know what is happening in England. But this is being replicated across Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The emphasis is slightly different in each country: in Scotland, relations with government are deteriorating due to failed promises; in Wales, an ageing workforce is leading to real concerns around the present and future; and in Northern Ireland, the lack of a government is making it tough to get anything done at a time when practices are closing in record numbers.
Our new feature ‘State of the devolved nations’ shines a light on the issues in these countries, looking at the stats around workforce and practice numbers, as well as a deeper analysis around what is happening on the ground.
Our six articles include an overview plus a focus on a particular problematic policy area in each country:
‘Practices in Scotland are returning their contracts on a regular basis’
‘The hard work of GPs in Wales has been overlooked’
‘Northern Ireland is at risk of losing GPs to the republic’
How contract and funding issues are impacting Scottish GPs
How the GP workforce crisis is playing out in Wales
Why crisis-hit practices and closures are on the rise in Northern Ireland
If you would have a story in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, please contact us at [email protected]