‘It is good to see that the Labour Party have acknowledged the resource and workforce pressures facing general practice and their pledge of 8,000 more GPs by 2020 – something the RCGP has long called for – is very welcome. We also welcome that Labour have recognised that there are a variety of models of integrated care and these must be developed around the needs of local populations. Better integration is something that the College supports, but only if done properly, and only if all political parties recognise that general practice must remain at the heart of any new models of care that are introduced.’
RCGP chair Dr Maureen Baker
‘We are reassured Labour’s plan is not prescriptive and does not call for yet another reorganisation of NHS structures. It is important that the progress made by clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) is built on and not lost. Many of Labour’s plans such as the focus on prevention, parity for physical and mental health and providing care closer to home is in line with the NHS Confederation’s thinking, set out in the 2015 Challenge Manifesto. On integration, local leaders are already making progress on delivering better coordinated services for patients. Labour’s plan rightly looks at how best to support local leaders across health and social care working together. This approach must be replicated by all political parties and crucially by whoever forms the next Government in May.’
Dr Johnny Marshall, NHS Confederation director of policy and a GP in Aylesbury
‘Labour’s plan presents a credible explanation of their understanding of the issues facing health and social care. It would be helpful to have the same from the other political parties at this stage in the electoral cycle. The party is right to focus on a wider vision of care, a long-term shift towards care out of hospital, and the need for more funding to achieve that. This is in line with much of the thinking currently being adopted by health and social care professionals, as set out in the Five Year Forward View.’
Nuffield Trust chief executive Nigel Edwards
‘It is right to put the patient at the centre of the NHS and look at caring for the whole person. It is right also that we look for long term solutions to integrate NHS and social care services to ensure they are sustainable and responsive to the needs of the local population, so we are reassured that Labour have listened to our members calls to trust in the local systems that are already delivering for their patients and sees a future for CCGs.’
Dr Amanda Doyle, co-chair of NHS Clinical Commissioners