How much GP cover are trusts planning to have?
The trusts that responded to Pulse’s questions said they are planning to recruit around two GPs to cover 15-hour days.
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust has said ‘one or two’ GPs will be available in the A&E from 8am to 11pm daily.
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust has said it is working with the CCG to establish a GP streaming service at two of its sites, with one GP at each, which will be open from 10am to 10pm.
How many GPs will be working at any one time?
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust has said it is looking to recruit 2.4 WTE GPs for the streaming service and plans to monitor activity volumes ‘to ensure that they are working during hours of peak demand’, which could include evenings and weekends.
How much is the trust planning to pay the GPs working in A&E?
Two hospitals have said NHS England advised them to pay their GPs in A&E £80 per hour.
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has said it will align its rate of pay with the local out-of-hours service, while others have yet to agree a pay rate.
How does the trust plan to attract these GPs?
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust have both said they are working with GP leaders and local CCGs to recruit for the positions.