- A marketing campaign including a letter to all newly qualified doctors setting out positive aspects and future careers in general practice
- Offering GP trainees an additional ‘flexible’ year of training where they can train in a special interest, get an MBA in leadership skills or another academic pursuit
- Setting up ‘training hubs’ for GP practice staff to extend their skills
- A time-limited incentive scheme for GP trainees committing to work in an under-doctored area for at least three years, including financial support
- Reviewing current retainer schemes and investing in a new national scheme
- Offer premises funding to training practices focused on the agenda of transferring care into community settings
- Reviewing how to incentivise experienced GPs to remain in practice, for examples via a funded mentorship scheme or offer portfolio careers
- Piloting new general practice support staff to take workload off GPs, such as physician associates, medical assistants, clinical pharmacists and advanced practitioners (including nursing staff)
- Making it easer to return to practice after working overseas or taking a career break, via a new clearer induction and returner scheme
- Offering financial incentives to returners opting to go work in under-doctored areas and reviewing the value of the performers list in its current form