Pulse prides itself on its news coverage, and every day publishes exclusive stories on the NHS, primary care and the latest clinical developments.
Our stories are regularly picked up by national and regional newspapers and the broadcast media. Below is a selection of recent stories that were first broken by Pulse.
August 2017
Our Story: Nearly 40% of trainees intend to take on partnerships within five years
Coverage: ITV, Daily Mail, Sun, Times, Cornwall Live
June 2017
Our Story: Oxfordshire GPs offered £1.5m prescription savings scheme
Coverage: BBC, Times, Independant, Sun, Telegraph, Mail
Our Story: GP appointment waiting times ‘to rocket towards three weeks’
Coverage: Telegraph, Times, Mail, Sun
May 2017
Our Story: Situation vacant: Pulse uncovers ‘staggering’ GP shortfall
Coverage: Sun
Our Story: New GP Services Can Take Pressure Off The NHS
Coverage: Huffington Post UK
Our Story: Jeremy Hunt’s promise of 5,000 extra GPs in tatters as vacancies hit highest ever levels
Coverage: Mirror
Coverage: Sun
Coverage: Mail, Guardian, Telegraph, ITV
Coverage: Mail
April 2017
Our Story: Retiring GPs fuel patient crisis
Coverage: Telegraph
Our Story: Record GP closures force 265,000 to find new doctors
Coverage: Guardian, Times, BBC news site, Mail, I newspaper, Mirror, Morning star,
Our Story: DOCS TO OVERTURN FEE BAN? GPs want to demand EXTRA cash for treating their own patients privately
Coverage: Sun
March 2017
Our Story: GPs hit out at private screening checks as they say “needless” tests have prompted soaring visits
Coverage: Telegraph
Our Story: Private health companies urge pointless medicals
Coverage: Times
Coverage: Mail
Our Story: Security breach fears over 26 million NHS patients
Coverage: Telegraph
Our Story: Data breach fear for 26m GP records
Coverage: Times
Coverage: Sun
Our Story: GPs will consult nursing home residents using Skype
Coverage: INewspaper
February 2017
Our Story: Doctors shortage left 4 million patients without cover last year
Coverage: Guardian
Our Story: Exhausted GPs shun out-of-hours work
Coverage: Times
Our Story: NHS out-of-hours services have been run without a single doctor in 1 in 10 areas
Coverage: Telegraph
Coverage: Mail
Our Story: Hundreds of thousands of patients left with no GP on evenings and weekends
Coverage: Mirror
Our Story: GP out-of-hours chaos Chronic shortage of doctors left FOUR million patients without cover last year
Coverage: Sun
Our Story: GPs say patients take offence when told they need to lose weight
Coverage: Telegraph
Our Story:Third of GPs say their patients have become offended when told they need to lose weight
Coverage: Mail, Sun, Times, Guardian, Independent,
January 2017
Our Story: NHS to recruit hundreds of GPs from Poland, Lithuania and Greece
Coverage: Telegraph
Our Story: GPs drafted in to send hospital patients home as patients asked to take on ‘daunting’ care duties
Coverage: Telegraph
Our Story: Government urged to act as managers say NHS has reached ‘tipping point’
Coverage: Belfast Telegraph
Coverage: The Sun
Our Story: ‘DESPERATE’ NHS ‘offers EU doctors from Lithuania and Poland £90,000 to work in Britain’
Coverage: Express
Coverage: Mail
Our Story: Theresa May vows to push ahead with 7-day GP services to take pressure off A&E departments
Coverage: Independent
Our Story: GPs draw up plans for patient charging
Coverage: Times
Our Story: Charges proposed for out-of-hours GP appointments in England
Coverage: Guardian
Coverage: Mail
Our Story: GPs seek rule change to earn private cash
Coverage: Telegraph
Coverage: Sun
Coverage: The Sun
Our Story: Patients wait a month to see doctor in winter crisis, warns head of Royal College of GPs
Coverage: Telegraph
November 2016
Coverage: Daily Mail
October 2016
Our story: Private hospital profits rise as NHS buys more services
Coverage: The Times
Coverage: Mail
Our story: GP practices closing while waiting on support promised by Jeremy Hunt
Coverage: The Mirror
September 2016
Our story: ‘Uber-style’ private GP appointment service primed for national roll-out
Coverage: Telegraph, Daily Mail, South Wales Argus
July 2016
Our story: GPs told to identify ghost patients every year in ‘disgraceful’ list cleansing drive
Coverage: BBC, Indepedent, The Guardian, The Sun, Daily Mail, The Mirror, Express, Hull Daily Mail, Wirral Globe,
Our Story: Two-thirds of GP referrals for child mental health lead to no treatment
Coverage: Huffington Post UK, The Mirror, The Guardian
June 2016
Our Story: LMC issues template letter for GPs to refuse firearms licence requests
Coverage: The Guardian
Our Story: Revealed: The only region in Britain where GP workload is ‘manageable’
Coverage: iPaper
Our Story: Average waiting time for GP appointment increases 30% in a year
Coverage: The Sun
Our Story: NHS looks to Poland, Spain and Romania to find new GPs
Coverage: The Mirror, iNews
Our Story: GP vacancy rates at highest recorded with one in eight positions unfilled
Coverage: Daily Mail. Telegraph, Daily Mail, Talk Radio
May 2016
Our Story: Information Commissioner to question Capita over missing GP patient records
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our Story: GPs told to review patients at risk as IT error miscalculates CV score in thousands
Coverage: The Guardian, Express, The Sun, The Times, The Telegraph
April 2016
Our Story: NHS looking to bring in GPs from India to alleviate recruitment crisis
Coverage: The Telegraph, Indepedent, The Week, The Guardian, IB Times, Daily Mail, The Sun, PharmaTimes, TechTimes
March 2016
Our Story: Revealed: DH set to miss 5,000 new GP target by more than half
Coverage: Express, ITV News, Daily Mail, The Evening Standard, The Mirror, The Times
February 2016
Our Story: Over 100 GP trainees set for £20K ‘golden hello’ to work in areas with shortages
Coverage: The Telegraph, Daily Mail, The Times
Our Story: Revealed: GP training targets in doubt as applications tumble 5%
Coverage: The Mirror, The Guardian (front page), Evening Standard
Our Story: One third of GPs think NHS should stop funding IVF
Coverage: Daily Mail, The Times
Our Story: Striking is just something doctors should not do
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our Story: GPs forced to diagnose mental illness in children ‘outside their competence’
Coverage: Daily Mail, Huffington Post UK
Our Story: Prime Minister’s GP dementia diagnosis drive increased ‘false alarms’ by 150%
Coverage: The Times
Our Story: Patients who haven’t seen GP in five years could be booted off practice lists
Coverage: The Sun, The Guardian, Daily Mail, The Times, ITV News
January 2016
Our story: GPs told to inform patients of ‘state snooping’ on sick note records
Coverage: Sunday Express, Daily Mail, The Times, The Telegraph
Our Story: 200,000 patients displaced after rapid rise in GP surgery closures last year
Coverage: The Times, The Telegraph, Daily Mail, Mirror, The Sun, BBC Online
December 2015
Our story: Half of GPs willing to resign NHS contracts in protest at state of general practice
Coverage: Daily Mail, The Telegraph
November 2015
Our story: Seven out of ten GPs back a sugar tax
Coverage: The Times, Daily Mail, City AM, PA, Yorkshire Post,
Our story: Practices set for visits from patient watchdog over high charges for medical letters
Coverage: Daily Mail
October 2015
Our story: GP practices offered ‘ethically questionable’ incentives to cut urgent cancer referrals
Coverage: Daily Mail, Telegraph, BBC Coventry and Warwickshire, BBC Oxfordshire, BBC Radio Stoke, BBC Radio Leicester, BBC Radio Foyle, BBC Radio 4 World at One, BBC Radio 4 Today Programme, BBC Five Live, Sky, BBC Look North, ITV, BBC, Telegraph, Channel 5, Guardian, Mirror, BBC, Daily Mail, Independent, ITV, Sky, Telegraph
Our story: GPs to debate resignation from the NHS en masse
Coverage: Sunday Express (splash), Daily Mail
Our story: Hundreds of ‘desperate’ practices apply to close lists, but one in three is declined
Coverage: The Sun
Our story: GPs defy pressure to prescribe more statins
Coverage: Telegraph, The Times, Daily Mail, Daily Mail
Our story: Seven out of ten GPs back a sugar tax
Coverage: The Times, Daily Mail, City AM, BT, Yorkshire Post
Our story: GPs must provide routine care to tourists, says new BMA guidance
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our story: Practices set for visits from patient watchdog over high charges for medical letters
Coverage: Daily Mail
September 2015
Our story: Revealed: NHS funding splashed on holidays, games consoles and summer houses
Coverage: BBC, BBC, BBC, Sky, Guardian, Mirror (front page), Telegraph (front page), Independent, Daily Mail, Times (front page), Metro (front page), Daily Star, Sky, BBC, The Week, Guardian, Guardian
Our story: Appeal for donations for family of GP locum denied ‘death in service’ payment
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our story: PM’s seven-day GP access pilot scrapped after proving ‘unpopular with patients’
Coverage: BBC
Our story: GPs paid £90 an hour to deliver seven-day services
Coverage: Telegraph, Daily Mail, Mirror
Our story: Half of PM’s seven-day GP access pilots have cut opening hours
Coverage: Guardian, ITV, Daily Mail, Express, Mirror, BBC
August 2015
Our story: Recruiters using seven-day working warnings to tempt GPs abroad
Coverage: Independent
Our story: Increasing number of GPs asked to refer patients to foodbanks
July 2015
Our story: Quarter of PM’s seven-day GP access pilots have cut opening hours
Coverage: Daily Mail (front page), Telegraph
Our story: GPs face increasing restrictions as NHS rations care to save money
Coverage: Telegraph (front page nib), Daily Mail, Independent, Express, BBC (interview with Nigel Praities)
June 2015
Our story: More than 160,000 patients displaced by practice closures
Coverage: Independent (front page), Telegraph, Daily Mail, The Times, Mirror, Yorkshire Post, The Guardian, Huffington Post
Our story: NHS overriding 700,000 patient opt-outs to GP data being shared
Coverage: The Guardian, ITV, Telegraph(front page), Express, Sky, Daily Mail, Express
Our story: PM’s seven-day GP access pilot scrapped after proving ‘unpopular with patients’
Coverage: The Times, Daily Mail
Our story: Practice list size grows by 25% in some regions causing ‘crisis areas’
Coverage: BBC (interview with Jaimie Kaffash)
Our story: Jeremy Hunt pledges £10m to support struggling practices under ‘new deal’
Coverage: BBC (interview with Nigel Praities), BBC (interview with Nigel Praities)
Our story: CCG to recruit physician associates from USA to address GP shortages
Coverage: Independent
Our story: ‘This is like a bereavement’
Coverage: Express
Our story: Revealed: The rising tide of GP burnout as NHS cuts support
May 2015
Our story: Average GP appointment waiting times to hit two weeks by next year
Coverage: Daily Mail (front page), Mirror, Telegraph, Express

Our story: Revalidation identifies fewer than 1% of GPs needing remediation
Coverage: Telegraph
Our story: GPs face cap on number of vasectomy referrals
Coverage: Independent, Daily Mail
Our story: GPs to move ‘as close to salaried as possible’ under radical plan to reduce workload in Scotland
Coverage: Herald Scotland
Our story: Three-quarters of NHS 111 referrals to general practice are inappropriate
Coverage: Daily Mail
April 2015
Our story: Third of GP trainee positions remain unfilled across the UK following first round of recruitment
Coverage: Telegraph, Daily Mail
Our story: Over one third of GPs ‘may retire’ within five years, warns BMA
Coverage: BBC (interview with Nigel Praities), The Times
Our story: GPs record 25% hike in dementia cases since introduction of ‘cash for diagnosis’ scheme
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our story: Physician associates ‘can do GPs’ work more cheaply’
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our story: CCGs raiding next year’s winter reserves to maintain urgent care before the election
Coverage: Telegraph
Our story: Up to 30 CCGs may face legal threat for funding homeopathy
Coverage: Telegraph
Our story: GP vacancy rate at highest ever, with 50% rise in empty posts
Coverage: Telegraph, Yahoo, Daily Mail, ITV, BBC, The Guardian
March 2015
Our story: 500% increase in GP practices asking managers for support to close surgeries
Coverage: Express, Independent,BBC (interview with Jaimie Kaffash)
Our story: GP practices to be paid £650 to open Easter Saturday morning
Coverage: Daily Mail, Express, and also coverage on BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire
Our story: Hospital consultants warned after bouncing suspected cancer cases back to GPs
Coverage: Times, Telegraph, Daily Mail
Our story: Older GPs’ ‘concentration goes’ after 4pm, NHS burnout guidance suggests
Coverage: Telegraph, Times, Bristol Post
February 2015
Our story: GPs to conduct nationality checks in all new patients under health tourism crackdown
Coverage: Daily Mail (front page), Times, Telegraph, Sky News
January 2015:
Our story: Majority of GPs reject NICE proposals to extend statins to millions more
Coverage: Express
Our story: GPs to be offered incentives to delay retirement under £10m strategy to solve workforce crisis
Coverage: BBC (interview with Sofia Lind)
Our story: Two-thirds of GPs disregard NICE advice to offer statins to more patients
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our story: GPs ‘bullied’ into bulk prescribing flu medicine to whole care homes without necessary testing
Coverage: Telegraph
Our story: CCG ‘donates’ practice earnings worth thousands of pounds to plug its own deficit
Coverage: BBC (interview with Jaimie Kaffash)
Our story:Rise in A&E attendances caused by NHS 111, emergency medicine leader claims
Coverage: BBC (interview with Sofia Lind)
Our story: Stop Practice Closures campaign
Coverage: BBC (interview with Jaimie Kaffash)
Our story: GPs hit back at ‘incendiary’ attack on general practice by surgeon in the Daily Mail
Coverage: Mail
Our story: Hundreds of physician assistants to support GPs in £5bn plan
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our story: Global sum to rise by £7.31 per patient in 2014/15
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our story: Four in 10 GPs taking time off for burnout
Coverage: The Guardian
Our story: Urgent GP cancer referrals bounced back as hospitals try to manage demand
Coverage: Daily Mail, Times
Our story: NHS England to drop ‘cash for dementia diagnoses’ scheme
Coverage: Telegraph, the Guardian, Mirror, Express
Our story: GPs to be paid £55 for every dementia diagnosis under new identification scheme
Coverage: Telegraph
Our story: GPs face pressure to prescribe statins in lower-risk patients as NHS adopts 10% risk threshold
Coverage: Times
Our story: One in 20 GPs considering closing their practice by next spring
Coverage: Telegraph, Mirror, Express, Times
Our story: Two-thirds of GPs disregard NICE advice to offer statins to more patients
Coverage: Telegraph
Our story: CQC to access patient records without their permission on new GP practice inspections
Coverage: Mail Online
Our story: £100 an hour for GPs under Government flagship scheme
Coverage: The Telegraph
Our story: Confessions of a GP: I still hope my profession can beat the data-miners
Coverage: The Telegraph
Our story: GPs to be paid £55 for every dementia diagnosis under new identification scheme
Coverage: The Telegraph (Front page), Guardian, Mail Online, Mirror, Daily Express, The Times, Sky News, ITV News, Herald Scotland, Live interview with Pulse editor Nigel Praities on BBC News

Our story: GPs offered £200 payment for each newly diagnosed dementia patient
Coverage: Mail Online
Our story: Locum GPs can earn £3,000 in a weekend (Job ad)
Coverage: The Times, Mail Online
Our story: NHS England rejects one in four requests to shrink GP catchment areas
Coverage: The Telegraph, Mail Online
Our story: GPs offered £200 payment for each newly diagnosed dementia patient
Coverage: Bristol Post
Our story: Two-thirds of GPs disregard NICE advice to offer statins to more patients
Coverage: Mail Online
Our story: Thousands of patients wrongly removed from practice lists as part of managers’ £85m savings drive
Coverage: Mail Online, Telegraph, The Times
Our story: NHS England issues safety alert over fears about discharge reports
Coverage: The Telegraph
Our story: LMC forces delay in pharmacy flu vaccination plans
Coverage: The Pharmaceutical Journal
Our story: Practice list closure requests increase by 160% in three years
Coverage: The Telegraph
Our story: PM’s seven-day GP access schemes yet to start
Coverage: The Independent, Mirror Online
Our story: Interview with Pulse editor Nigel Praities on Mike Parr Show regarding a practice threatened with closure (BBC Radio Tees)
Our story: Seven-day access to GPs for all patients, promises PM
Coverage: Live interview on BBC’s PM Programme with Nigel Praities on seven-day opening, The Spectator, Mirror Online
Our story: One in five GPs report patient harm as mental health services struggle to cope
Coverage: Guardian
Our story: Make care.data opt in or we will opt patients out, say GPs
Coverage: ComputerWorld UK
Our story: Half of GPs in favour of charging for routine appointments
Coverage: Express
Our story: One in five GPs report patient harm as mental health services struggle to cope
Coverage: Huffington Post
Our story: Revealed: All new GP contracts will be thrown open to private providers
Coverage: The Morning Star
Our story: Thousands of patients wrongly removed from practice lists as part of managers’ £85m savings drive
Coverage: Daily Mail, Telegraph, Times,
Our story:GPs: No confidence in community mental health service
Coverage: ITV news
Our story: Thousands of doctors planning to leave NHS to work abroad
Coverage: The Telegraph, Express,
Our story: 60 surgeries at high risk of closure
Coverage: Five News, Metro, Mirror
Our story: GPs to send care.data ‘opt-out’ letters
Coverage: Computerworld UK
Our story: Scores more practices plan for closure as at-risk tally hits 109
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our story: GP recruitment crisis forces removal of thousands of patients from practice list
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our story: Nurses to discuss GP appointment charges
Coverage: Interview with Jaimie Kaffash
Our story: GP numbers tumble in England as recruitment crisis bites
Coverage: Guardian
Our story: Higher potency statins increase risk of diabetes
Coverage: Guardian
Our story: BBC Radio Sheffield interview with Jaimie Kaffash on the GP recruitment crisis
Our story: GPs threatened with breach of contract over ‘diverting’ calls to NHS 111
Coverage: Daily Mail
May 2014
Our story: My CQC inspection was the most unpleasant exercise of my career so far
Coverage: Guardian
Our story: Charge up to £25 for a GP visit, says influential think-tank
Coverage: Daily Mail
Our story: Two-week wait for GP appointments to become the norm in many practices ‘within a year’
Coverage: Telegraph
Our story: Two-week wait for GP appointments to become the norm in many practices ‘within a year’
Coverage: The Express , The Telegraph, Yorkshire Post, Daily Mail
Our story: Tens of thousands of ‘ghost patients’ wrongly removed from practice lists, GPs estimate
Coverage: The Telegraph
Our story: Majority of GPs reject NICE proposals to extend statins to millions more
Coverage: BBC News
Our story: GP 48-hour appointment standard could be contractual requirement under Labour
Coverage: BBC Radio Tees
Our story: Top up-and-coming GPs 2013: Dr Lisa Harrod-Rothwell
Coverage: Essex Chronicle
Our story: Top up-and-coming GPs 2013: Dr Lisa Harrod-Rothwell
Coverage: Essex Chronicle
Our story: GP leaders to vote on whether to support patient charges for appointments
Coverage: The Daily Mail, The Telegraph
April 2014
Our story: RCGP vows to take action on MRCGP failure rates after High Court ruling
Coverage: The Indepedent
March 2014
Our story: Investigation: Are we at risk of running out of GPs?
Coverage: Conservative Home, The Express
Our story: Majority of GPs reject NICE proposals to extend statins to millions more
Coverage: Daily Mail, BBC, The Express
February 2014
Our story: One in six GPs asked to refer a patient to a food bank in the past year
Coverage: Yorkshire Post, The Mirror, The Independent, The Belfast Telegraph
January 2014
Our story: Over 40% of GPs intend to opt themselves out of care.data scheme
Coverage: The Telegraph, The Sun
Our story: Christmas closure row intensifies as practices vow to fight breach of contract notices
Coverage: Practice Business website
Our story: More than two-thirds of GPs think RCGP should change stance on assisted dying
Coverage: Left Foot Forward, The Guardian, letters,
Our story: BMA to support international doctors’ legal challenge to MRCGP exam
Coverage: OnMedica Blog
Our story: Practices closing early over Christmas served breach of contract notices
Coverage: GPs under fire over festive closing times: Surgeries where doctors left early could be shut down
Our blog: Here’s a catchphrase we can all get behind
Coverage: The Guardian: Today in Healthcare
Coverage: Daily Mail, Computerworld.co.uk, The Independent: NHS already handing out private data on thousands of patients: Details given to universities, hospitals and watchdogs without checking for consent
Our story: Local enhanced services worth millions to be opened up to competition from April
Coverage: Health commissioning groups preparing to put certain medical services out to tender
Our story: GPs asked to refer patients to food banks
Coverage: The Mirror
October 2013
Our story: Revealed: ‘Successful’ extended hours model hailed by DH won’t begin until Christmas
Coverage: Jeremy Hunt’s plan to open surgeries late and at weekends already in disarray
September 2013
Our story: Revealed: One in five GPs on CCG boards has financial interest in a current provider
Coverage: Storm over GPs with financial stake in private firms
Coverage: NHS: Dozens of stressed doctors have already quit commissioning roles after just six months
August 2013
Our story: BMA begins offering private medical insurance to all staff
Coverage: Telegraph
Coverage: The Independent
Our story: Private companies set for access to patient data for just £1
Coverage: Daily Mail, Telegraph
Our story: GPs face prosecution unless they inform patients their data could be used outside the NHS
Coverage: The Independent
July 2013
Our story: Six in ten patients on statins ‘not at high risk’
Coverage: Daily Express
Our story: Crisis of confidence in NHS 111 as only 8% of GPs think triage is ‘safe for patients’
Coverage: ITV News, Guardian (blog only)
Our story: Hospital data breaches up 20% in a year
Coverage: Express, Daily Mail, Storetec, British Journal of Healthcare Computing, SC Magazine – other nationals as well but don’t have full list I’m afraid
Our story: Half of GPs in favour of charging for routine appointments
Coverage: Express (splash in print), Independent (also splash in ‘i’), Telegraph, Times, Guardian (plus follow-up column from Zoe Williams), Mail, – also Express and Star, Shropshire Star, Edinburgh Evening News, Chorley Citizen, Coventry Telegraph, Blackburn Citizen, ITV News, Huffington Post, AOL, News.com.au – I did interviews on BBC Radio Stoke, BBC Radio Coventry & Warwickshire, BBC Radio York, BBC Radio Surrey and Sussex, BBC Radio Norfolk, BBC Radio Lincolnshire, BBC Radio Merseyside, BBC Radio Kent, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester, BBC Radio Scotland, BBC Radio Northampton and BBC London Vanessa Feltz show
Our story: Investigation: The GP brain drain
Coverage: Independent
Our story: Save me from the unworking well (Peverley column)
Coverage: Daily Mail
Other mentions in:
– Could ‘good egg’ Jeremy Hunt be the saviour of the NHS? (Guardian)
Our story: Half of GPs in favour of charging for routine appointments
Subsequent coverage: Patients should pay us, say doctors (Telegraph)
Subsequent coverage: Half of GPs come out in favour of charging fee for appointments (The Times)
Subsequent coverage: GPs ‘want £25 appointment fee’ (ITV)
Subsequent coverage: £25 to see your GP: Majority of doctors want to charge patients for routine appointments (The Independent)
Subsequent coverage: Half of GPs favour appointment fee (Express and Star)
Subsequent coverage: Most GPs want to charge up to £25 for appointments: Doctors want payments to stop patients turning up ‘for no reason’ (Mail Online)
Subsequent coverage: GPs should not impose a charge for appointments (Express)
June 2013
Our story: GMC figures reveal 12% increase in doctors considering working abroad
Subsequent overage: The Independent , BBC
Our story: Leaked report casts doubt over NHS Direct’s ‘overall viability’ in wake of NHS 111 failings
Subsequent coverage: NHS knew 111 was all going wrong, leaked report reveals: How untrained staff answered calls, patients were put on hold and doctors’ warnings ignored (Mail Online)
Our story: Revealed: Half of GPs at high risk of burnout
Subsequent coverage: GPs facing ‘emotional burnout’ (Telegraph)
Our story: Seven in ten GPs would not take back out-of-hours ‘at any price’
Subsequent coverage: Most GPs would strike rather than return to out of hours duty as they demand £20,000 pay rise to work weekends (Mail Online)
May 2013
Our story: GP support for Conservatives plummets as party loses trust over health policies
Subsequent coverage: Doctors accuse Tories of ‘shafting’ them over reforms and just 19% intend to vote for them (Mirror)
Our story: Up to third of GPs raising alarm over hospital care see complaints ignored
Subsequent coverage: GPs attempts to blow whistle on poor care go unheard (Telegraph)
Our story: CCG director resigns post over workload from GP contract changes
Subsequent coverage: GPs threaten to quit commissioning to concentrate on patients (Guardian)
Our story: 22 NHS 111 serious untoward incidents reported, including three deaths
Subsequent coverage: Seven ‘potentially serious’ NHS 111 helpline incidents (BBC)
Subsequent coverage: Fears patients may have suffered harm or died due to NHS helpline failings (Guardian)
Subsequent coverage: Three deaths investigated in relation to NHS 111 (Telegraph)
Subsequent coverage: NHS 111: Three deaths probed (ITV)
Subsequent coverage: Widow: NHS 111 Helpine Failed Dying Husband (Sky)
Subsequent coverage: As crisis in NHS 111 deepens…A&E chiefs fear bank holiday meltdown (Mail Online)
Subsequent coverage: Probe into new NHS 111 advice line (Express)
April 2013
Subsequent coverage: ‘Meltdown’ in 111 helpline as calls closed in error (Telegraph)
Subsequent coverage: NHS 111 caller waited 11 hours for call back (BBC)
Subsequent coverage: Delays answering 111 NHS advice line ‘put Londoners in danger’ (London Evening Standard)
Our story: GP duty of candour undermined by ‘inappropriate’ gagging clauses in CCG constitutions
Subsequent coverage: 1,000 GPs gagged from talking about local health services (Telegraph)
March 2013
Our story: One in three senior GP commissioners disillusioned with commissioning powers
Subsequent coverage: Will clinical commissioning groups take the NHS in the right direction? (Guardian)
Subsequent coverage: Newsnight (BBC)
Our story: GMC relaxes guidance on sex with ex-patients
Subsequent coverage: Doctors to be allowed to date former patients (Telegraph)
Subsequent coverage: Green light for doctors to date former patients so long as they use their ‘professional judgement’ to decide if it is appropriate (Mail Online)
February 2013
Our story: Revealed: Genuine patients kicked off practice lists in ‘heavy-handed’ validation drives
Subsequent coverage: Up to 25,000 patients wrongly struck off GP lists as part of cost-cutting drive (Mail Online)
Subsequent coverage: Thousands of patients wrongly removed from GP lists (OnMedica)
Our story: GPs ‘will walk’ if ministers do not reword competition rules, says commissioning leader
Subsequent coverage: GP leaders urge rethink over health service compeition (Guardian)
Subsequent coverage: GPs will desert if rules on competition in NHS are not changed, warns reform doctor (Telegraph)
Subsequent coverage: NHS competition rules warning (Healthcare Today)
Subsequent coverage: Warning over NHS competition plans (Independent)
Subsequent coverage: Warning over NHS competition plans (Belfast Telegraph)
Subsequent coverage: NHS reform ‘complete waste’ warning (BBC)
Subsequent coverage: Warning over NHS competition plans (South Wales Guardian)
January 2013
Our story: What will 2013 bring for GPs?
Subsequent coverage: NHS reforms will fail unless GPs get behind them (Guardian)
Our story: Thousands of Summary Care Records created without consent in NHS IT blunder
Subsequent coverage: NHS error leads to thousands having online medical record without knowledge (The Telegraph)
Subsequent coverage: Today in healthcare: Monday 7 January (Guardian)
Our story: NHS provisions are ‘too generous’ say majority of GPs
Subsequent coverage: NHS ‘too good’ to migrants (The Sun)
Subsequent coverage: NHS is too generous to migrants says GPs, as many refuse to treat those who have entered the country illegally (Mail Online)
Subsequent coverage: The NHS is ‘over generous to immigrants’ (Public Service)
Subsequent coverage: Why is it right for a GP to refuse an immigrant treatment? (lbc.co.uk)
Subsequent coverage: Foreigners are taking advantage of the NHS, David Cameron says (The Telegraph)
Our story: Investigation: GP practices at breaking point
Subsequent coverage: Half of all GPs ‘to slash services in pay squeeze’ (express.co.uk)
Our story: Lawyers give RCGP three weeks to sort out CSA, or face legal action
Subequent coverage: Why is racism rife in the NHS? (Guardian)
Click here to see our coverage in the national press from 2009-12