This module will update your knowledge on family planning issues in primary care, including:
- Advising women who want to stop taking the Pill in order to conceive
- Understanding new contraceptive products – Qlaira, NuvaRing and Ellaone
- Advising patients on long-acting reversible contraception options
- Checking for drug interactions before prescribing combined oral contraceptives, or emergency hormonal contraception
- Managing irregular bleeding in women taking progestogen-only pills
This module was first published on 10th February 2010 and was up to date with all key guidelines and evidence at that point. It will be reviewed as part of our routine update cycle by 10th February 2012 but will be updated sooner to reflect any key guideline changes.
Key questions on oral contraception:
Dr Anne MacGregor is associate specialist in sexual and reproductive healthcare at Barts Sexual Health Centre, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
Dr Pam Brown is a GP in Swansea
Update on new contraceptive methods and Promoting long-acting reversible contraception:
Dr Meg Thomas is a GP in Swindon, Wiltshire, and a fellow of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Pitfalls in family planning prescribing:
Professor John Guillebaud is emeritus professor of family planning and reproductive health at University College London
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