This module will provide GP-focused advice on common GI problems in primary care:
- Treating IBS with biofeedback, CBT or tricyclic antidepressants
- Assessing and diagnosing coeliac disease in primary care
- Advising and signposting patients with GI problems
- Testing for Helicobacter pylori with the monoclonal stool antigen test
- Managing difficult GI scenarios, including persistent diarrhoea and abnormal LFTs in a well patient
This module was first published on 8th September 2010 and was up to date with all key guidelines and evidence at that point. It will be reviewed as part of our routine update cycle by 8th September 2012 but will be updated sooner to reflect any key guideline changes.
Key questions in irritable bowel syndrome:
Dr Charlie Murray is a consultant gastroenterologist at the Royal Free Hospital in London and is secretary of the British Society of Gastroenterology.
Dr Mandy Fry is a GP in Cirencester and senior primary care lecturer at Oxford Brookes University.
Coeliac disease update:
Dr Sohail Butt is a GP in Ashford, Middlesex, and a member of Coeliac UK health advisory committee
Improving the quality of GI care in GP surgeries:
Dr Jamie Dalrymple is chair of the Primary Care Society for Gastroenterology, a GPSI in gastroenterology in Norwich and hospital practitioner in gastroenterology at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Ten tips on H.pylori eradication:
Dr Raghu Raghunath is a GP and hospital endoscopist in Hull and clinical senior lecturer at Hull York Medical School
Difficult GI scenarios:
Dr Ajay Verma is a specialist registrar (ST6) in gastroenterology at University Hospitals Leicester.
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