This module offers advice on reducing demand for appointments by promoting self-care in a stepped guide, covering:
- training staff to offer consistent advice
- offering social prescriptions
- identifying key resources to support your work, both in terms of local funding and the new DESs
After reading this article you will be asked to record your learning points and some action points to earn a suggested 1 CPD credit. Below are some suggested questions to reflect on as you work through the module:
- Do you have protocols for advising about/managing minor, self-limiting illness to ensure a consistent approach among GPs, registrars, health visitors and practice nurses?
- What is your practice’s prescribing philosophy? Are you confident that attempts at promoting self-care won’t be sabotaged by low prescribing thresholds?
- Are you aware of how your local pharmacies might be able to help patients with self-care? Should you convene a meeting with them to help promote the project?
- Is the primary care team aware of the relevant local area initiatives and resources which might help patients be more self-sufficient? Is there a directory listing these, and are there relevant links on your practice website?
- Do you have an exercise referral scheme?
- Do you have self-management plans for chronic disease such as asthma and COPD? Are these being used?
- Is your CCG going to promote self-care through the remote monitoring DES?