This module offers advice on achieving the remote monitoring care DES in a stepped guide, covering:
- Registering for the DES and definihg the long-term condition with your CCG
- How to monitor the long-term condition and agree the tool to trial
- Patient registration, and the remote care monitoring service
After reading this article you will be asked to record your learning points and some action points to earn a suggested 1 CPD credit. Below are some suggested questions to reflect on as you work through the module:
- Has your practice nominated a lead for this DES to move the project forward, meet deadlines and amend protocols? Which other members of the health care team need to be involved?
- Has the clinical area been agreed with the CCG yet? If not, does your practice want to be involved in the decision making to help mould the DES around practice imperatives/plans?
- Are there aspects of communication with patients that your practice might want to explore in advance, such as text messaging or email? Should you get involved in the Florence SMS texting telehealth service?
- Consider whether additional equipment might be required, such as pulse oximeters or sphygmomanometers for loan to patients. How might these be funded?
- Plan with your clinical and administration staff how patients might be signed up to this new service.