This module will provide GPs on what is faced by commissioners in maternity services, including:
- The challenges CCGs face commissioning maternity services
- Involving primary care
- Managing the demand for maternity services
After reading this article, take a look at the Royal College of Midwives’ document on commissioning maternity services in England and theresource pack for CCGs covering maternity services. You will be asked to record your learning points and some action points to earn a suggested 1 CPD credit. Below are some suggested questions to reflect on as you work through the module:
- What feedback do you hear from users and clinicians about local maternity users and who would be the relevant person to pass such comments onto at your CCG?
- How do local maternity services affect other commissioning areas such as early years and children’s services. How could links be improved between these and maternity services?
- Given the limited number of alternative providers for maternity services, what else can CCGs do to improve local maternity services?