‘The report also underlines that we have moved into a much more transparent age when data and information about the quality of care will be in the public domain. The challenge for all of us is to embrace this new world and work hard to analyse and better understand what it means.’
Niall Dickson, Chief Executive of the General Medical Council
‘Unless the Government is prepared to invest more into the NHS then there has to be a more honest debate about where and how finite resources are spent.’
Dr Paul Flynn, Chair of the BMA Consultants Committee
‘The reasons for the kind of problems identified by the review are complex, but ultimately reflect poor leadership and a failure to develop the right culture of care at the hospitals identified. Small hospitals also face particular financial challenges and often struggle to secure sufficient staff.
Chris Ham, Chief Executive of The King’s Fund
‘In addition to exploring those trusts that have fallen below expected mortality levels, it is vital to look at those organisations whose outcomes were better than forecast. We can also learn from their culture, leadership, staffing and how they engage employees as a further opportunity to share and spread what works best for patient care.’
Dean Royles, chief executive of the NHS Employers organisation
‘Less than six months after publication of the Francis Report, we are experiencing another hugely challenging day for the NHS. Now more than ever, the NHS needs politicians to resist the temptation to descend into point scoring. It is crucial that we seize the opportunity offered by the Keogh Review to get under the skin of the NHS and shine light on its shortcomings but also recognises its successes.’
Matt Tee, chief operating officer of the NHS Confederation
‘The Keogh review has identified a number of serious issues at these foundation trusts, and we are taking appropriate action to ensure they are fixed as quickly as possible.’
David Bennett, chief executive of Monitor
‘The RCP believes that the professionalism of doctors is crucial to preventing instances of sub-standard care. We need clinical leadership at ward level, we need clinically led service re-design, and we need collaboration between doctors, nurses, managers and other professionals.’
Sir Richard Thompson, president of the Royal College of Physicians