This site is intended for health professionals only
A summary of current guidelines on symptoms, criteria for diagnosis and an approach to management
A summary of guidance for GPs and patients
Patients on clozapine required additional investigations during Covid-19 infection
An updated synthesis of all relevant guidance for primary care
Information for patients on managing cough, and GP guidelines from NICE
Guidance on the Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca and Moderna Covid-19 vaccinations for people with pre-existing allergies
The most frequently reported adverse effects to the different vaccines and when to report an adverse effect
An updated summary of currently available treatments, eligibility criteria and how to refer
Guidance on vaccinating individuals on immunosuppressive treatment
This can now be done remotely by GPs if the death is an expected death
A summary of current guidance and when to discuss with the coroner
Paracetamol or ibuprofen can now be used
Information for patients on post Covid breathlessness, GP guidelines from NICE and links to prescribing guidance for EOLC
Guidance on vaccination individuals undergoing steroid treatments
Guide on vaccinating individuals undergoing chemotherapy
Guidance for vaccinating individuals on treatment with DMARDs
Guidelines for different groups, and exertional desaturation testing
Individuals aged 12 years and over with severe immunosuppression should receive a 3rd primary dose of Covid vaccination
A summary of the current guidance for patients and GPs
Children age 12 and over who live with immunosuppressed people and young people age 16 and over are now eligible for vaccination
Signs, symptoms, when to refer and when to investigate in primary care
Covid risk and vaccine guidance for people living with HIV
An update on Variants of Concern and UK vaccine effectiveness data
Updated guidance and safety data from the RCOG and PHE Greenbook
A list of resources including tools to aid discussions on risk:benefit including blood clotting risk
Specific advice for diabetic patients unwell with Covid-19
Covid-19 can trigger new-onset diabetes in previously healthy people
One of the largest Covid studies relevant to General Practice in the UK
Resources specifically designed to support people with learning difficulties during the pandemic
Online, phone and email support to help students navigate the challenges of the Covid pandemic
Lateral flow tests, PCR tests and when to test patients who don’t meet the case definition for Covid-19
NIHR is developing a consent for contact register
The risks and benefits of feeding choices for women who may be infected with Covid-19
Bolo: Barnardo s Covid-19 helpline and webchat for those 11+
Advice from a Consultant Neurologist
Advice from a Consultant Neurologist
Advice from a Consultant Neurologist
Advice from a Consultant Neurologist
Advice from a Consultant Neurologist
Household isolation instructions do not apply for patients escaping domestic abuse
Resources for patients and those supporting people who have been bereaved by Covid-19
Information for patients on physical and emotional recovery
The NHS Blood and Transplant service request donations from people who have recovered from Covid-19
Comprehensive and brief resources on post-viral fatigue and the boom and bust cycle
A website developed to support patients and their families
An update on emerging evidence from a Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
Advice from a Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
Advice from a Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
Advice from a Consultant in Infectious Diseases
The Post-Covid Hub has been set up by Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation
NICE outlines the importance of the CFS in the context of the Covid outbreak
The care pathway is dependent on whether the patient has an ICD
Healthcare workers are using this nationwide so that their increased risk can be recorded
After a few days of illness the concentration of the virus falls
NSAIDs reduce acute symptoms (such as fever). Further evidence is needed regarding effect on long term Covid outcomes