A collection of resources for patients and carers on Covid-19 prevention and self-management.
Covid vaccination resources for patients
Collection of resources providing information about Covid vaccination for patients.
Includes information on travel, tools to help with risk evaluation, pregnancy and fertility resources and accessible information.
Read the full collection here.
Pulse oximetry guidance for patients
This summary guide provides links to resources for patients including home monitoring guidance and NHS England patient resources and leaflets.
It also links to a YouTube video by the NHS, advising patients how to use a pulse oximeter, the danger signs to look out for and when to call for urgent help
Read the full guide on pulse oximetry here.
Post-Covid recovery and managing breathlessness
This summary guide on managing breathlessness includes links to a post Covid-19 patient information pack including a section on positions and exercises to manage breathlessness as well as a video for patients on managing breathless.
Read the full guide here.
Breastfeeding and Covid risk
Summary guide explaining the risks and benefits of feeding choices for women who may be infected with Covid-19.
With information sourced from the RCOG.
Read the full guide here.
Pregnant women and vaccination
Summary guide explaining recommendations for vaccination in pregnancy, including evidence on the risks, preferred vaccines as well as advice on conception and breastfeeding.
With information sourced from the Greenbook, RCOG and PHE (now UKHSA).
Read the full guide here.
Self-isolation – domestic abuse
This guide details advice and resources for patients fleeing domestic abuse, for whom household isolation instructions do not apply.
With information sourced from the Home Office and Refuge.
Read the full guide here.