There is still concern that steroids can increase the risk from Covid-19
Patients with adrenal insufficiency who have suspected Covid‑19:
Key points on steroid prescribing during the pandemic:
- Don’t stop current steroids but taper their dose if it is clinically safe to do so
- Think before starting steroids in the current pandemic
- Use the lowest possible dose of oral steroids for the shortest period of time
- Starting oral prednisolone at more than 5mg per day for more than a month could move a patient into the shielding group
- Starting oral prednisolone at more than 20mg per day (or greater than 0.5mg/kg/day for children) for more than a month will move a patient into the shielding group
Patients with adrenal insufficiency who have suspected Covid‑19:
- May have atypical presentations (eg no fever, no CRP rise)
- Should not suddenly stop steroids
- Need larger than usual steroid doses and slightly different sick day rules; for any patient who has been taking 5mg prednisolone or more for four weeks or longer; Patients on 5-15 mg prednisolone daily should take 10 mg prednisolone every 12 hours. Patients on oral prednisolone >15 mg should continue their usual dose but take it split into two equal doses of at least 10 mg every 12 hours
Should I still be injecting corticosteroids during the current Covid-19 pandemic?
- Injections must not be undertaken in individuals with active infections
- In the current situation, the potential therefore arises to do harm to those who may be incubating or later develop Covid-19
- Only give a steroid injection if a patient has significant disease activity and/or intrusive and persisting symptoms, and there are no appropriate alternatives
See also: Rheumatology patients