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Covid-19 Primary Care Resources

Resources to help support children and young people during the pandemic

juvenile arthritis


Our resources page on caring for and treating children and young people during Covid-19 has a series of guides for you to explore, giving you a wealth of information to support your practice.

Covid vaccinations in children

In this guide, you’ll find evidence and guidance around Covid vaccinations for children and young people, brought together from the BMJ, The Green Book, and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Clinical trial recruiting children and young people

This page details a University of Oxford study measuring antibody levels in people up to the age of 19 across the UK.

Management and guidance on febrile children

This guide brings together information from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health (RCPCH) and the RCGP, to support GPs in their approach to possible Covid-19 infection in children.

Evidence on Covid in children

On this page, you’ll find an up-to-date summary on infection rates, common presentations, symptoms and transmission in children and young people. The information is sourced from and links to resources from the RCPCH, the Lancet, the RCGP and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

Early intervention for children, young people and families struggling to cope with the impact of coronavirus

Drawing on information from PHE and Barnardo’s, this guide is aimed at GPs caring for vulnerable families during Covid. It details the government-funded initiative, the See Hear and Respond Service, and provides resources for GPs to signpost.

Wellbeing resources for children

This page lists digital resources specifically designed to support primary school-aged children with their mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic, which GPs can call on and signpost.


Sourced from the RCOG, the information in this guide will help GPs support and inform women with possible Covid-19 infection about the risks and benefits of feeding choices.

The risks of Covid-19 in pregnancy

This guide is aimed at helping GPs to understand risk factors and potential dangers to pregnant women with possible Covid-19 infection, and to their child from foetus to new-born, including prevention of venous thromboembolism (VE).

Communicating with children about Covid-19

This page links to resources to help guide GPs and other keyworker parents and carers on talking to children about Covid-19.

Primary care pathways for remotely assessing children

Developed with paediatricians specifically for remote assessment and safety netting, this guide links to 11 pathways that GPs can use during remote consultation for child patients. The clinical areas include abdominal pain, head injury, diarrhoea and vomiting, earache, and respiratory symptoms.

How GPs should approach common childhood illnesses in the context of Covid-19

This brief Q&A provides advice for GPs, compiled by a consultant in paediatric infectious diseases.

Wellbeing resource packs for parents in multiple languages

In this guide, you’ll find a summary of and links to advice and resources for parents and carers, which has been developed to help them support children with worries and concerns about Covid. They are available in 17 languages.

Parenting advice for families under pressure

Sourced from South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, the information on this page can help parents managing challenging behaviour and difficult emotions during the pandemic. There are links to several other resources for GPs to access.

Activities to do at home to support young people’s mental health

This guide contains information developed by CAMHS experts, providing resources and activities for children in four different age groups to boost their mental health and wellbeing.

ADHD medications during the Covid-19 pandemic

On this page, you’ll find information sourced form the European ADHD Guidelines Group. It provides expert guidance for GPs to encourage flexibility around monitoring to enable uninterrupted access to ADHD medications during the pandemic.

Helping families manage challenging behaviour during the Covid-19 lockdown

This guide breaks down the approach to challenging behaviours among children into eight simple messages. The information is sourced from the Association of Child Mental Health (ACMH) and links to other resources that GPs can access and signpost to parents and carers.

Tonsillar examination

This straightforward guide outlines best practice, based on the RCPCH’s recommendation that children’s throats should only be examined if essential.
