Advice from a Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
This information is sourced from Dr Tim Nicholson, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
Q. Should GPs expect to see Post-Covid depression / Chronic Fatigue symptoms and are some treatments more likely to be beneficial than others?
- We are already starting to see such cases and we predict this will be a significant, and likely very significant, clinical problem in the coming months
- We don’t have any evidence to suggest different treatment from routine / non-Covid-19 cases of depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) so we’d recommend following NICE guidelines for CFS and depression
- What will be critical with the CFS, or CFS-like, cases will be ensuring – as always – that the reality and severity of their symptoms are acknowledged and gradually paced rehabilitation is encouraged; psychosocial factors should not be assumed to be present but should be sensitively explored if thought relevant