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2025/26 GP contract
Get all the detail on the GP contract deal
A summary of current guidelines on symptoms, criteria for diagnosis and an approach to management
An updated synthesis of all relevant guidance for primary care
An updated summary of currently available treatments, eligibility criteria and how to refer
Updated guidance and safety data from the RCOG and PHE Greenbook
Covid-19 can trigger new-onset diabetes in previously healthy people
One of the largest Covid studies relevant to General Practice in the UK
NIHR is developing a consent for contact register
Advice from a Consultant Neurologist
The NHS Blood and Transplant service request donations from people who have recovered from Covid-19
Advice from an ENT Surgeon
An update on emerging evidence from a Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
Healthcare workers are using this nationwide so that their increased risk can be recorded
After a few days of illness the concentration of the virus falls
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