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Covid-19 Primary Care Resources

What GPs need to know about Covid and women’s health

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Our resources page on women’s health during Covid-19 has a series of guides for you to explore, giving you a wealth of information to support your practice.

Domestic abuse

A go-to guide for GPs supporting patients who are escaping domestic abuse, including household isolation and seeking help.

Perinatal mental health

Drawn from various sources, the advice on this page is aimed at supporting GPs to care for patients with their perinatal mental health.


This page lists the updated advice and clinical guidance about contraception choices and prescribing contraception in the context of Covid-19.

Conception, pregnancy, breastfeeding and vaccination

This guide provides latest evidence on vaccinations for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and those who want to conceive.

Abnormal uterine bleeding

On this page is a wealth of information and guidance, sourced from the RCOG, for the management of abnormal uterine bleeding in the evolving Covid-19 pandemic.


Advice and information GPs can use to support women wanting a termination, and how to access medical abortion care from home up to 10 weeks gestation during the Covid-19 pandemic.

You can find more articles from Pulse on women’s health and mental health among others in our clinical zone.
