Our resources page on isolation and social distancing has a series of guides for you to explore, giving you a wealth of information to support your practice.
In this guide, you’ll find information sourced from NICE and the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) on advice for rheumatology patients on immunosuppressants, routine monitoring of DMARDs, and assessment/ treatment of suspected Covid-19 in these patients.
This guide on shielding brings together up-to-date information from different sources, including PHE, NHSE and the Royal College of Physicians. It provides guidance on how to care for patients who are clinically extremely vulnerable, and links to other useful resources.
On this page, you’ll find links to health advice for migrants visiting the UK, and leaflets on isolating and shielding in more than 30 languages, sourced from PHE and Doctors of the World.
Revised rules for self-isolation
This page contains information about self-isolation periods in the event of a positive Covid test, a negative test, symptoms and contacts, from PHE, GOV.uk and NHS.uk.
A go-to guide for GPs supporting patients who are escaping domestic abuse, including household isolation and seeking help.
Assessing the risk of common daily activities in the community
On this page is a useful, downloadable chart for GPs to help them manage and answers questions from patients about levels of exposure. Sourced from the Texas Medical Association, the chart categorises activities and scenarios into five risk levels.
This page lists guidance on Covid-19 risk to people with neurological conditions, and specific therapies in multiple sclerosis.
Here you’ll find a summary of guidance on isolation notes and the circumstances in which patients can apply for one, sourced from NHS 111.
What should I do if I suspect Covid-19 but my patient has negative swabs?
A brief Q&A with a consultant in infectious diseases on what to do if GPs suspect a Covid-negative patient has the virus.
When does anxiety about leaving the home become problematic for older adults?
This advice from a liaison psychiatrist specialising in older adults is for GPs who are concerned about anxiety in older adults.
How should I advise my elderly patient who has become anxious about leaving the house?
A simple guide for advising patients about leaving the house and social anxiety, sourced from a liaison psychiatrist specialising in older adults.
Our guide for GPs on who should shield and precautions for patients with splenectomy during Covid-19 brings together information from different resources.
This guide brings together information from NHSE, the Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS), NHS London clinical networks and NICE, and summarises advice for patients with severe COPD on shielding criteria, medications reviews and rescue packs.
From the British Society for Heart Failure, the advice on this page will help you manage this at-risk group, with information on shielding and who to prioritise for review.
This guide outlines advice on defining severe asthma and how to review treatment in the context of Covid-19, sourced from NICE and the British Thoracic Society (BTS).
Here you’ll find information about NHS Volunteer Responders, who were mobilised to help support vulnerable individuals while self-isolating, and how to refer patients.
A brief guide for GPs on caring for patients with interstitial lung disease, with information on shielding and specific issues if patients are unwell with Covid-19.