Our resources page on prescribing in the context of Covid-19 has a series of guides for you to explore, giving you a wealth of information to support your practice.
Treatment with budesonide for acute Covid-19 infection
Sourced from the MHRA, summarising inclusion and exclusion criteria and how to prescribe.
Guidance on prescribing Covid vaccinations
This page is a go-to resource with advice for GPs on prioritisation for the Covid-19 vaccine programme rollout, and guidance on prescribing the vaccines.
This guide will help GPs to support diabetic patients during Covid-19, with information and recommendations about review formats, promoting self-care, remote foot assessment, and helping patients to intensify their glycaemic control for the primary prevention of Covid-19 illness.
In this guide, you’ll find information sourced from NICE and the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) on advice for rheumatology patients on immunosuppressants, routine monitoring of DMARDs, and assessment/ treatment of suspected Covid-19 in these patients.
This page lists the updated advice and clinical guidance about contraception choices and prescribing contraception in the context of Covid-19.
This page lists guidance on Covid-19 risk to people with neurological conditions, and specific therapies in multiple sclerosis.
This page summarises advice from a consultant psychiatrist in behavioural sleep medicine, in the context of Covid-19.
How can we best manage insomnia during the pandemic?
A go-to resource with advice from a consultant psychiatrist in behavioural sleep medicine on supporting patients with sleep problems during the pandemic.
Prescribing for high-risk patients with insomnia or depression during the pandemic
Advice from an expert pharmacist on whether and how to prescribe for patients with depression and who are struggling to sleep in the context of Covid-19.
Clozapine guidance for patients with Covid-19
Here you’ll find information sourced from the Specialist Pharmacy Service on how symptoms of Covid-19 can mimic clozapine-related adverse drug effects.
ADHD medications during the Covid-19 pandemic
On this page, you’ll find information sourced form the European ADHD Guidelines Group. It provides expert guidance for GPs to encourage flexibility around monitoring to enable uninterrupted access to ADHD medications during the pandemic.
This guide contains information sourced from the Royal College of Psychiatrists on considerations about withdrawing or changing medication during the pandemic.
Evidence and guidance from several resources on NSAIDs and their role in reducing acute symptoms (such as fever) and their effect on long-term Covid outcomes.
On this page, we bring together information from a range of sources on evidence concerning whether vitamin D deficiency affects the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Coagulation disorders and anticoagulation treatment
Drawn from a number of expert sources, this page gives updated vaccination guidance for individuals with clotting and bleeding disorders and those on anticoagulant therapy.
Guidance on steroid prescribing
An at-a-glance guide providing clarity on whether steroids can increase the risk from Covid-19, and advice on prescribing them.
This guide summarises studies and relevant emerging evidence for GPs on prescribing for and reviewing patients on ACE inhibitors and ARBs.
Guidance for GPs on prescribing different forms of anticoagulation during the pandemic, sourced from NHS England/ NHS Improvement, the Specialist Pharmacy Service and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
How to convert to oral B12 for patients established on IM hydroxocobalamin
Here, the British Society for Haematology provides guidance on vitamin B12 replacement during the Covid-19 pandemic, for patients with either dietary or non-dietary vitamin B12 deficiency.