Our resources page on Covid-19 and respiratory conditions has a series of guides for you to explore, giving you a wealth of information to support your practice.
On this page, you’ll find a collection of resources to support remote assessment of long-term conditions. This includes tools to help patients gather data, perform self-examinations at home and optimise GP remote consultations.
This guide links to GP guidelines from NICE and to prescribing guidance for EOLC. It also provides resources that GPs can signpost, like information for patients about post-Covid breathlessness.
This guide brings together information from NHSE, the Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS), NHS London clinical networks and NICE, and summarises advice for patients with severe COPD on shielding criteria, medications reviews and rescue packs.
Asthma – managing exacerbations
On this page is a resource for supporting GPs with caring for asthmatic patients during Covid-19, with information on rescue packs, distinguishing asthma from Covid-19 and use of inhaled and oral steroids.
This guide outlines advice on defining severe asthma and how to review treatment in the context of Covid-19, sourced from NICE and the British Thoracic Society (BTS).
A brief guide for GPs on caring for patients with interstitial lung disease, with information on shielding and specific issues if patients are unwell with Covid-19.
Rehabilitation after Covid-19 infection
Here, you’ll find brief information about a website developed by Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, aimed at supporting patients and their families following infection with Covid-19.
Post-Covid breathlessness Patient Support Line
This resource, developed by the Post-Covid Hub that was set up by Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, can support patients who are struggling with breathlessness after Covid.
How long should we expect patients to have cough for after Covid-19 infection?
A brief Q&A from the UCLH respiratory team, advising on post-Covid cough.
How long after infection with Covid-19 do you think there is an increased risk of VTE?
Advice from the UCLH respiratory team advice about ongoing blood clot risk.
When should we refer patients with ongoing breathlessness post Covid-19?
A resource to help GPs determine when patients with prolonged post-Covid breathlessness should be referred onwards.
On this page, you’ll find information about managing exacerbations, oral corticosteroid use, and interpreting oxygen saturations when patients are unwell with Covid 19.
On this page is a comprehensive overview of eligibility for home monitoring, desaturation testing, and the limitations of oximetry in some groups.
Differentiating viral Covid-19 pneumonia from bacterial pneumonia
This guide gives information and advice to help GPs to differentiate between and treat viral and bacterial pneumonia.
On this page, you’ll find structured clinical assessments, validated questionnaires and tools to support peak flow self-measurements at home. This information in sourced from the Primary Care Respiratory Society, SIGN, NICE and the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM).