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Dr Mike Smith

Before the pandemic Dr Smith was already a hero in the eyes of colleagues – bringing about changes to improve patient and staff experiences at his practice in St Albans, Hertfordshire. But as fellow GP Dr Ayan Panja says: ‘It was during the Covid-19 crisis that he showed himself to be a leader of leaders.’ He drew up a major lockdown plan for the practice, shared by thousands on social media, helped others source PPE visors – and has now carved out an ‘unlock’ plan for the surgery, again circulating it with as many GPs as possible. All while working his usual eight sessions. ‘He makes change from the ground up,’ adds Dr Panja.

Pulse October survey

Take our April 2025 survey to potentially win £200 worth of tokens

Pulse October survey


Pulse October survey

Take our April 2025 survey to potentially win £200 worth of tokens

Pulse October survey