Resources specifically designed to support people with learning difficulties, which has been designated as a priority by NHS England throughout the pandemic
This information is sourced from Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, the Scottish Commission for Learning Disability(SCLD), NHSE and Mencap
An NHS England letter on 3 February 2021 reiterated that supporting patients with learning disabilities remained a priority for GPs throughout the pandemic
Easy read guides for patients
Why health care workers wear PPE
How to access the NHS during the pandemic
What may happen if I have to go to hospital because of coronavirus (COVID-19)
What may happen if someone I know has to go to hospital because of coronavirus (Covid-19)
A guide to your Covid-19 Vaccination
Guides for patients with mental illness
Information from Mind on the COVID-19 vaccination and mental health
Exemption cards
Keep Safe has produced an exemption card to help people with a learning disability explain why they are not wearing a mask
Resources for carers
The SCLD Covid-19 Guided Self-help Booklet Series have been developed to support people with mild to moderate learning/intellectual disabilities to give people with learning/intellectual disabilities an opportunity to talk through their feelings with people providing support to them. There is a guide accompanying each booklet, explaining how the content can be delivered.
Topics include coping with feeling down, managing anxiety, sleep, relaxation, keeping active and staying well.