Dr Naomi Beer
This east London GP, with her practice manager Virginia Patania, gave NHS England a major headache with their Save Our Surgeries campaign against MPIG cuts.
Dr Gordon Gancz
The Oxford GP was thrust into the national spotlight after Pulse revealed managers were threatening him with breach of contract for opting all his patients out of care.data.
Dr Jose Antonio Serrano
Taking on the Daily Mail is a brave move, but this GP did it and won £45k in damages after the High Court found an article published about him was ‘defamatory’
Dr Martin Brunet
The Surrey GP and Pulse blogger has led a campaign against NHS England’s dementia diagnosis drive, most recently calling for scrapping of its ‘cash for diagnoses’ scheme
Dr Alan McDevitt
The masterful negotiator who brokered a three-year contract deal and £40m in extra funding this year for Scottish GPs. The contrast with England is becoming increasingly marked
Dr Sarah Wollaston
This former GP – and full-time tormentor of the Prime Minister – was selected as chair of the House of Commons health committee this year
Dr Peter Holden
A GPC negotiator for more than 15 years, the ever-quotable Derbyshire GP and giant of the profession may have stood down in July but you haven’t seen the last of him yet…