Your family and friends
Other professionals and colleagues
Your GP
Your local Occupational Health Service
Your LMC Medical Officer/medical secretary/local rep
Your Responsible Officer - he or she is likely to be very sympathetic (especially if you contact them sooner rather than later)
Your local GP Dean at your Local Educational Training Board/Deanery
Your appraiser
A mentor or life coach
A careers coach
A travel agent
Online/telephone resources
General help and support
BMA Doctors for Doctors and counselling: 08459 200 169
BMA Useful links for doctors in difficulty
Your local LMC
Local RCGP faculty support or access to doctors with Health for Healthcare Certificate:
Your Local Education and Training Board (LETB):
Your GP dean/local deanery:
Doctors’ Support Network: 0844 395 3010
Help for Health Professionals (a RCGP, RCP, Cardiff University and Faculty of Occupational Medicine resource)
National Clinical Assessment Service
Practitioner Health Programme (covers doctors and dentists in London SHA only): 020 3049 4505
Sick Doctors Trust (for addiction problems): 0370 444 5163
The Society of Relief of Widows and Orphans of Medical Men (support for medical practitioners and/or dependants in severe financial hardship): 01837 83022
British Doctors’ and Dentists’ Group (for recovery from addiction to or dependency on alcohol or other drugs): 0779 2819 966
GMC’s Your Health Matters: 0161 923 6602
The Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90
Open Minds Alliance
The ‘Skill Pill AR’ and ‘Skill Pill Plus’ apps
Free from Apple Store
Career development
BMA/BMJ Learning: Taking a career break
BMJ Careers Fair website (includes information on sabbaticals, working abroad, defence forces, Medical Defence organisations):
Medical Forum
Banishing Burnout: six strategies for improving your relationship with work
M Leiter and C Maslach, 2008
ISBN 978-0-470-44877-9
The Stress of Medical Practice
David Rainham, 2009
Available as an e-book from Dr Rainham’s website.
The Resilient Practitioner
TM Skovholt and M Trotter-Mathison, 2011
ISBN 978-0-415-98939-8
The Resilient Clinician
RJ Wicks, 2008
ISBN 978-0-19-531697-1
The Fatigue Prescription
LH Clever, 2010
ISBN 978-1-57344-380-7
Heal Thyself
S Santorelli, 1999
ISBN 978-0-609-80504-6
The Joy of Burnout
D Glouberman, 2002
ISBN 978-0-9555456-0-3
Survival Skills for GPs
R Chambers, 1999
ISBN 1-85775-334-8
Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes
W Bridges, 2004
ISBN 978-0-7382-0904
Intelligent Kindness - reforming the culture of healthcare
J Ballatt and P Campling, 2011
ISBN 978-1-908020-04-8
How Doctors Think
J Groopman, 2007
ISBN 978-0-618-61003-7
Kill as Few Patients as Possible
O London, 1997
ISBN 978-0-89815-197-8
Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world
M Williams and D Penman, 2011
ISBN 978-0749953089
A Iverson, B Rushforth and K Forrest. The Competent Novice: How to handle stress and look after your mental health. BMJ 2009.
T Kemple. Taking a sabbatical in general practice. BMJ 1998.
American Medical Association. Physician’s Guide to Personal Health Programme. 2010.
American Medical Association. Practical Steps for Resilience. 2010.