The Government will give general practice a funding boost of at least 4% every year over the next five years to cover the ‘changes in GP workload’, and will update the formula used to allocate funding to individual practices, NHS England has announced.
In a statement today, NHS England said that the the budget for general practice will increase by 4.2% next year, to £7.65bn.
The funding increases for general practice will be ‘disproportionately higher’ than for other services.
It has also announced that it is updating the formula used to allocate funding to practices, because of changes to the GP workload since the current Carr Hill formula was developed a decade ago.
It added that the budget will increase by at least 4% every year, to hit £9.19bn in 2021 – an increase of 25% on current spending.
Its statement said: ’Spending on GPs and primary medical care services will grow in real terms at a higher rate than for other health services, with an extra 4%-5.4% per cent cash funding every year for five years.
’The primary medical care allocation formula is updated to account for changes in GP workload since the original “Carr Hill” methodology was developed over a decade ago.’
It added: ’Disproportionately higher funding increases will be available for GP services and primary medical care than for overall CCG growth, with the ability for CCGs to make further investments on top of this using the co-commissioning option.’
However, Dr Richard Vautrey, deputy chair of the GPC, said ’4% on an inadequate contract value is still an inadequate contract value’.