Sustaining the partnership model
HAMPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGHT: That conference believes the partnership model to be the most efficient and cost-effective way of delivering general practice and demands that government:
(i) does everything possible to support and sustain this model
(ii) invest in an incentive scheme to encourage GPs into permanent roles
(iii) needs to explore all avenues to encourage older GPs to remain in practice
(iv) encourage non-GP staff to become partners to further increase the sustainability of the partnership model.
Reviewing manslaughter cases
AVON: That conference is concerned about the number of gross negligence manslaughter trials which involve members of the medical profession and calls on GPC to work with the BMA and other relevant organisations to petition the government for less adversarial approach to adverse events that recognises the importance of system failures and seeks to learn rather than blame.
LEICESTER, LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND: That conference urges GPC to invest time in defining ‘safe working levels’ for GPs.
SANDWELL: That conference in the interests of patient safety and quality, conference calls on the GPC to unilaterally declare that a reasonable GMS session will consist of 13 consultations per session in 2018, falling to nine consultations, each of 15 minutes duration by 2020. Nine such sessions per week should be provided for every 1500 patients. Experienced practitioners, who have the personal capacity to safely deliver additional consultations, can be commissioned to do additional consultations, in their own practice or in a hub.
Scottish contract
CUMBRIA: That conference believes that there is much to be gained by examining the Scottish Contract Offer and how elements of it could be incorporated into the English contract negotiations.
Practice closures
AGENDA COMMITTEE TO BE PROPOSED BY AVON: That conference is concerned about the number of recent practice closures and
(i) believes that unmanaged dispersals lead to patient safety issues
(ii) believes that more needs to be done to make the public aware of the mounting threat to the system of general practice
(iii) demands details of the contractual arrangements to provide ongoing primary care after a practice closure, are made public
(iv) instructs GPC to take urgent action to ensure the protection of ‘last man standing’ GPs from any additional costs of resignation or retirement resulting from practice closure
Online GP services
AGENDA COMMITTEE MOTION TO BE PROPOSED BY HERTFORDSHIRE: That conference is concerned that new online GP services are targeting healthy, less complex patients, the funding for whom is partly used to subsidise care for more complex patients on the registered list and calls on GPC to:
(i) demand a stop to the undermining of general practice by private companies who cherry pick the patients to whom they offer services
(ii) demand that online consultation schemes do not become established unless they are prepared to provide a comprehensive package for all patients
(iii) support general practice to explore innovative ways of providing health care (iv) demand the allocation of additional funds to NHS general practice to provide training, support and appropriate software and hardware in order to establish on line consultation services.
Source: BMA