We are supposed to be professionals and patient focused. This strike is so damaging to the profession and I don’t see what it will achieve.
It’s a symptom of what’s going on with the NHS at the moment – there has to come a point when junior doctors decide whether they are professionals or not.
There’s an ‘I can’t be bothered’ culture among some junior doctors – some can’t be bothered to send out letters when patients are discharged or give us calls to let us know about results or deaths.
I think it is right that patients have access to a seven-day a week health service and if junior doctors dispute this they should continue to oppose the scheme with dialogue and discussion, not a strike.
It’s causing a lot of disruption – there is certainly an issue of trust between the BMA and the department of health, yes, but striking is just something doctors should not do.
That junior doctors are willing to strike is a tragic symptom of the deprofessionalisation of the medical profession. Back when I trained, being a junior doctor was awful, you’d work days and nights and nights again but we had a dialogue, not a strike.
Dr Nick Summerton is a GP in East Yorkshire and a former NICE adviser