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As chair of pressure group GP Survival, Dr Bayley has been a prominent defender of struggling grassroots GPs this year.
Colleagues in the group cited her for ‘being awesome’ and ‘working tirelessly’.
Dr Bayley has also demonstrated her flair for writing in Pulse’s blogs and the Huffington Post. In addition to all that she has become head of communications at Derby and Derbyshire LMC.
Her aims for the next year? ‘I hope to continue to strengthen the grassroots movement of GPs and bring the profession together,’ she says. ‘I also want to make more patient-facing material to encourage our patients to join the fight to preserve safe, quality general practice.’ You cannot help but wish her luck.
Why influential Head of a movement to defend grassroots GPs
Surprising fact Founded Better Children’s Menu, a campaign for healthier children’s restaurant menus
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