Freelance GP chambers are expanding as GP partners are leaving their partnerships mid-career, according to National Association of Sessional GPs chief executive Dr Richard Fieldhouse.
Dr Fieldhouse says that Pallant Medical Chambers now has 78 members compared to 60 in August 2011, and Yorkshire Medical Chambers now has over 30 members compared to around 16 two years ago.
He told Pulse: “Partnerships may be a great model for caring for patients, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to being a good model that cares for the partners within them. And with over-stretched and exhausted partners, patients don’t necessarily get the best care, and cracks have started to appear in the partnership model. Existing partners are starting to see that you can still be a caring GP - perhaps even more so - working in a chambers team with all the support, freedom and flexibility that goes with it.”
Dr Fieldhouse will be speaking at Pulse Live on the topic of `Chambers – a real alternative to partnership’.
Pulse Live is your comprehensive annual update on all today’s big clinical, contract and practice finance changes, being held on April 30 and May 1 in Birmingham. You can earn 14 CPD hours for attending both days (or 7 hours for one day).
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