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NHS consultants vote in favour of strike over pay

NHS consultants vote in favour of strike over pay

The BMA has secured backing for its plans for NHS consultants to take strike action on 20 and 21 July.

Nearly nine in 10 (86%) of consultants who are BMA members voted in favour of strike in the ballot, which saw a 71% turnout.

Only consultants who are members of the BMA could take part in the vote.

Their decision will add to the Government’s woes in trying to achieve its targets to reduce the elective backlog, with junior doctors already due to take the NHS’s longest-ever strike action 13-18 July.

Dr Vishal Sharma, BMA consultants committee chair, said consultants had not taken their decision around industrial action ‘lightly’ but the vote shows ‘how furious they are at being repeatedly devalued by Government’.

‘Consultants are not worth a third less than we were 15 years ago and have had enough. Consultants don’t want to have to take industrial action, but have been left with no option in the face of a Government that continues to cut our pay year after year.’

But he stressed that ‘it is not too late to avert strike action and the Government simply needs come back to us with a credible offer that we can put to our members’.

‘We are simply asking for fairness to ensure that there is a pay settlement that begins to reverse the real-terms pay decline that we have suffered and a commitment to fully reform the pay review process to ensure that it can make truly independent recommendations in the future that take into account historical losses so that we don’t find ourselves in this situation again. But if they refuse, it is with a heavy heart that we will take action next month,’ Dr Sharma said.

He added doctors will ‘prioritise patient safety and continue to provide emergency care, in-keeping with the level of services available on Christmas Day’.

And he said: ‘Consultants are the NHS’s most experienced, highly-skilled clinicians, and are responsible not just for providing specialist care patients, but also leading entire services and training the doctors of the future. The Government can and must fix consultant pay now and for the future. Failure to do so will lead consultants to leave the NHS and the country, or towards retirement before their time.

‘The loss of this expertise would be devastating for services, patients and the future of the NHS.’

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: ‘We hugely value the work of NHS consultants and it is disappointing the BMA consultants have voted to take strike action. Consultants received a 4.5% pay uplift last financial year, increasing average earnings to around £128,000, and they will benefit from generous changes to pension taxation announced at budget.

‘Strikes are hugely disruptive for patients and put pressure on other NHS staff. We’ve been engaging with the BMA Consultants Committee on their concerns already and stand ready to open talks again – we urge them to come to the negotiating table rather than proceeding with their proposed strike dates.

‘We urge the BMA to carefully consider the likely impact of any action on patients.’

However the Government today welcomed the news that there will be no further nursing strike action as unions have failed to secure required mandates.

In response, a Government spokesperson said: ‘We hugely value the work of nurses and welcome the end to hugely disruptive industrial action so staff can continue caring for patients and cutting waiting lists.

‘More than 1 million eligible NHS staff are receiving their pay rise and one-off payments this month, with an experienced nurse receiving over £5,100 in extra pay across last year and this year. We are committed to supporting nurses to continue to progress and develop, including as part of the upcoming NHS Long Term Workforce Plan.

‘We hope other unions who remain in dispute with the Government recognise it is time to stop industrial action and move forward together.’

The BMA has advised GP trainees to ‘not attend their practice at all’ during the upcoming junior doctors’ strikes.



Please note, only GPs are permitted to add comments to articles

Dave Haddock 27 June, 2023 5:42 pm

Very poor reporting.
Only BMA members can vote.
What proportion of Consultants are BMA members?
0.86×0.71 = 61% of Consultant BMA members voted for strike action.

Anonymous 27 June, 2023 7:19 pm

Pulse reporters are not really medical. They are regurgitating.

Andrew Marshall 27 June, 2023 8:42 pm

It’s ok, the community junior doctors(gps)will save the day as it doesn’t seem to matter how badly we treat them, they will just moan but do nothing

Dave Haddock 27 June, 2023 8:45 pm

So 21,000 voted to strike.
Of a total of 53,000 NHS consultants.
That’s rather less than half.

John Graham Munro 27 June, 2023 8:58 pm

Andrew Marshall—— G.Ps on strike? ———-and the band played ”believe it if you like”