Overweight NHS patients in Essex are to be offered genetic testing so doctors can tailor diet interventions to their DNA profile.
The scheme, backed by £50,000 of lottery funding, has recruited 56 participants. It will assess 45 genes linked to metabolic regulation to determine which of five diets would be most successful for each individual, the Telegraph reports.
The participants will each have tailored diets and, if successful, the scheme could be rolled out nationwide in an attempt to defuse the UK’s obesity time bomb.
The Guardian carries a police warning over counterfeit make-up which could cause allergic reactions, skin irritation, rashes, swelling and burns.
Often sold online posing as expensive brands, police warned laboratory tests showed the fake items, including perfume and make-up, often contained poisonous chemicals including arsenic, mercury and lead, and sometimes rat poo and human urine.
Millions of Britons are failing to record plans for their end of life care because of a reluctance to talk about death, writes the Independent.
A ComRes survey found two third of UK adults felt too uncomfortable about death and dying to plan properly, and 18% said they were reluctant to broach the issue with a relative.
Claire Henry, chief executive of the Dying Matters Coalition said: ‘Talking about dying… can help us to make the most of life and spare our loved ones from making difficult decisions on our behalf or dealing with the fallout if we haven’t got our affairs in order.’