Nearly 90 people a month are dying shortly after being declared ‘fit for work’ under Britain’s post-welfare reform benefits system, the Guardian reports.
Department of Work and Pension (DWP) data, compiled in response to a number of Freedom of Informaiton requests, showed that 2,380 people died between December 2011 and February 2014 within a two weeks of being stripped of their employment and suport allowance (ESA) following a work capability assessment (WCA).
DWP only released the figures, which they said were not ‘causal’, after a ruling by the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Drinking a pint of water before every meal aids weight loss efforts, writes the Independent.
University of Birmingham researchers tracked the dieting efforts of 84 obese people over a 12-week period, finding the water-drinkers lost an average of 4.3kg compared to 0.8kg in the non-water-drinking group.
Teenagers who identify themselves as ‘goths’ are three times more likely to be depressed and five times more likely to self harm, a Lancet study covered in the Metro claims.
The research carried out at the University of Oxford looked at groups also including ‘chavs, populars, skaters and bimbos’ at age 15, finding the goths were most at risk of self-harming at age 18. ‘Sporty’ teenagers were least likely to be depressed or self harm.