The NHS has teamed up with dating app Tinder to raise awareness of organ donation among young people, the BBC reports.
For the next two weeks certain profiles will trigger an invitation to sign the NHS donor register.
The app has created custom profiles for celebrity users including Olympic gold medallist Jade Jones MBE and Emmerdale’s Gemma Oaten.
The campaign comes as the latest figures showed the number of registered organ donors decreasing for the first time in a decade.
According to the Independent, ‘furious’ nurses have organised a mass protest for 9 January against plans which they say will mean starting their careers £51,600 in debt.
The Government believes that removing a cap on nurse training numbers, and abolishing the bursary covering their tuituion fees, will boost nurse numbers, however critics are warning it could cut poorer students out of the profession.
Almost half of teenage girls believe they need to lose weight, according to an NHS survey. In all, 46% of 15 year old girls see themselves as overweight compared to just 23% of teenage boys. However boys were twice as likely as girls to say they were too thin.
The results from the ‘What about YOUth?’ survey, which quizzed 100,000 15-year-olds across England, caused campaign groups to express concerns over the state of mental health and body image among young people.