The college is planning to develop and train GPSIs in a number of areas, including care homes and paediatric palliative care.
The work to develop a new GPSI framework for GPs with an interest in elderly medicine comes after the college launched an end of life care strategy earlier this month.
The proposal for GPSIs in care homes is being led by Professor Keri Thomas, a former GP and RCGP clinical champion for end of life care, who told Pulse the College is working to develop specific expertise, training and clinical supervision for GPs working in care homes.
She told Pulse: ‘What we are proposing is that we put something forward with care homes and associated training, as there's been an increase in interest in this area of work which is encouraging.
‘The GPSI role would be in recognition of the important role of GPs working with care homes. We are working with the British Geriatric Society who are launching guidance for GPs in the management of residents of care homes and nursing homes at the end of June and who wanted GPs to have that recognition.
‘It would formalise would happens informally in some practices. You could increase the quality of care given to people and save money by inappropriate hospital admissions.'