Practices should ignore CCG requests to order cheap flu vaccine simply to save the NHS money, the GPC has said.
Although it has not released official advice, the GPC told Pulse that practices should not feel pressured on which vaccine to choose, but continue to use their own judgement.
It comes after NHS Dudley CCG recently told GP practices to order mostly trivalent flu vaccine because it is cheaper for the NHS than a newer quadrivalent version.
This is despite Government advice stating that the quadrivalent version is likely to offer better protection against flu.
The CCG had urged practices to heed the advice by warning that GPs could face accusations of ‘a conflict of interest’ if they used quadrivalent vaccine, after a deal with one manufacturer meant practices could end up making stlightly more profit out of it.
Practices have been offered a 50% discount on orders for the quadrivalent vaccine this year, which the NHS reimburses at £8 per shot – compared with just over £5 a shot for the trivalent type.
But Dr David Bailey, GPC dispensing and pharmacy policy lead, who previously explained that practices might only expect ‘marginally more profit’ as a result of the deal, has said that practices should ignore the threat and stick to ordering the vaccine of their choice.
Dr Bailey told Pulse: ‘The decision on which vaccine to use is for the practice alone and they are both reimburseable under the regulations.’