Dear colleague,
As part of the 2014-15 Medicines Optimisation Plan, all prescribers are required to undertake motivational interview technique training on Medicines Adherence as offered by ‘Future Learn’ / KCL. The online training programme is now open for registration, and participants must register before the end of August in order to access the training.Please follow this link to register and to obtain more information:
The training is 2 hours per week over a 2 week period, and an online discussion forum and clinical mentors are available to support dialogue and discussion on the content.
The course opens on the 25 August, and the online mentoring and discussion boards that support the learning will be open for a period of 2 weeks only. However, the actual content / material will remain available all year providing you have registered using the link above (before the end of August).
Please circulate this message to ALL PRESCRIBERS (including non-medical prescribers) in your practice to ensure they have access to the training. For those who cannot register in time, please inform the Medicines Optimisation Team ([email protected] ) directly so we can identify those who need an alternative solution, as all prescribers need to undertake training. NB you only have to register by the end of August, the training can be undertaken at any point before the end of December (by which time the training should be completed).
This training has been undertaken by GP members of the Borough Prescribing Committee and they strongly recommend this particular programme.
Kind regards
Medicines Optimisation Team
NHS Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group