All the papers headline with news from the BMA ARM conference today that general practice is struggling to cope with workload and recruitment issues.
The Telegraph goes with the angle that GP services are ‘imploding’ with surgeries ‘at risk of closure’ while the BBC opts to lead on the warning that patients are likely to face longer waits to see their GP.
The Telegraph also highlights BMA Scotland’s warning from the conference that the whole NHS north of the border is ‘on the brink of collapse’.
Outgoing chair of BMA Scotland Dr Brian Keighley has launched an attack on politicians who he says have been in a continuous state of ‘crisis management’ and focused on delivering a seven-day service when all that is funded is ‘an inadequate five-day service’.
Dr Keighley said: ‘Voters must decide how much rationalisation of service they are prepared to accept. There is no doubt that the current service is teetering on the edge of collapse without even mentioning winter pressures or the ever-present likelihood of another flu epidemic.’
Meanwhile, painkillers could be the key to a longer life, the Daily Express reports on its front page this morning.
Apparently researchers believe chronic inflammation is a bit contributor to ageing – and taking anti-inflammatories such as NSAIDs could therefore slow down the process.
Professor Thomas von Zglinicki from Newcastle University told the paper: ‘If you are someone who ages a bit faster than would be necessary, who might have multiple age-related diseases that are often associated with chronic inflammation, then doing something against the inflammation such as taking an ibuprofen might actually improve your future chances.’