Labour has launched an attack on the Government’s NHS spending pledge which they say is ‘unravelling’, the BBC reports this morning.
George Osborne’s promise of a £3.8bn financial boost has already been swallowed up by massive hospital deficits and a looming increase in pension costs, Labour says.
Elsewhere, the Telegraph says Alzheimer’s disease charities are braced for a big rise in calls after Christmas, as families gathered together for the festive season pick up on signs of dementia in elderly relatives.
The Alzheimer’s Society says it had a 60% leap in calls between December and January, the paper reports.
Lastly, the Daily Mail invites us to see ‘how your country fares’ this Christmas in its world map of everything health wise from manhood to breast size.
Pride of place of course goes to the map of average penis length, which reveals that men in ‘some African and Central American countries’ have the largest members, averaging 6.5 inches.
Women in Russia apparently have the biggest average breast cup size with ‘most measuring in at above a D-cup’.
Meanwhile the US and Saudi Arabia share the highest rates of obesity, the paper reports.