Soft drink intake correlates with the progression of knee osteoarthritis in men, say researchers.
The study
US researchers studied the dietary intake of food and nutrients (including soft drinks) of 2,149 participants with radiographic knee osteoarthritis. Patients were assessed at baseline with a Block Brief Food Frequency Questionnaire and at 12, 24, 36 and 48 months. Participants noted how often they had consumed soft drinks/bottled drinks (not diet drinks) in the past 12 months and were placed in one of four categories: none, ≤1, 2-4 and ≥5 times/week. To evaluate osteoarthritis progression, the researchers used quantitative medial tibiofemoral joint space width (JSW) based on radiographs, while adjusting for body mass index and other confounding factors.
The results
The researchers observed a significant dose-response relationship between baseline soft drink intake and adjusted mean change in JSW in men. With increasing levels of soft drink intake (none, ≤1, 2-4 and ≥5 times/week), the mean decreases in JSW were 0.31, 0.39, 0.34 and 0.6mm respectively. When the patient groups were further stratified by obesity, a stronger dose-response relationship was observed in non-obese men. In obese men, the only soft drink intake level that was associated with a change in JSW compared with no use, was ≥5 times/week. No significant association was observed in female patients.
What this means for GPs
The researchers note that their study suggests that ‘frequent consumption of sweetened soft drinks may be associated with osteoarthritis progression in men’ but advise that ‘further research is warranted’ to assess the long-term effects.