The NHS now has enough money and can no longer use a lack of funding as an ‘excuse’, health secretary Jeremy Hunt has told the Daily Telegraph.
Mr Hunt said that now the Government has pledged to increase NHS funding by £8bn it is time for services to start making efficiency savings and improve care at the same time. He said that ‘with that commitment from taxpayers, the time for debating whether or not it is enough is over’.
A two-year old boy has been taken from his parents and put up for adoption partly ‘because they smoke too much’, the Daily Mirror reports. The boy was found to be made ill by the levels of smoke, with the boy’s social worker describing his home as the smokiest they had ever seen. It was one reason among many, reports state.
The Daily Mail carries a warning from families claiming their daughters have suffered side effects from the HPV jab teenagers receive to prevent the development of cervical cancer.
According to the paper, teenager Katie Green’s GP concluded the jab had contributed to problems with severe dizziness and nausea for months after the injection.