Children should be given only water to drink with meals to help tackle the obesity crisis, the BBC reports.
Nutritional scientist have said sugary drinks were empty calories and people had got ‘out of the habit of drinking water’ with meals.
The call comes as Public Health England prepares to publish its plans for cutting the nation’s sugar intake.
Meanwhile, the Independent reports that vitamin D supplements might be a cheap and effective way to treat high blood pressure, a study by scientists published in The Lancet medical journal has revealed.
In the study, scientists were able to determine whether low levels of vitamin D had a causal link with high blood pressure more reliably than ever before, by measuring genetic variations which affect a person’s vitamin D levels, and measuring them against blood pressure.
Meanwhile, the Telegraph reports that watching three hours or more television each day may double the risk of early death compared with people who watch one or less – even if you are young and healthy, a study suggests.
Researchers followed more than 13,000 university graduates for an average of 8.2 years and discovered that those who spent hours glued to the box were more likely to die young.