A 45-minute operation to cure age-related blindness has been carried out by doctors in the UK in a world first.
The Daily Mail reports that macular degeneration is the world-leading cause of blindness in adults, affecting more than 600,000 people in the UK.
University College Hospital surgeons inserted a patch of stem cells into the retina of a woman who had lost central vision, the paper reports.
A new study has given the strongest indication yet that high blood pressure causes diabetes, writes the Guardian.
UK scientists studying some four million patients, found that people with high blood pressure are almost 60% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
Professor Kazem Rahimi, deputy director of the George Institute for Global Health UK at the University of Oxford said: ‘This is potentially a game changer in the understanding and treatment of diabetes.’
The Telegraph reports on another risk factor, as US scientists found just one can a day of fizzy drink raises the risk of diabetes by a quarter, heart disease by a third and stroke by a sixth.
The findings are based on the sugar content in a can of the most popular fizzy drinks, which span 5-10g according to the report.