TV shows like Mad Men and Downton Abbey show scenes where men suffer fatal heart attacks mid-coitus. But cardiologists say it's still safe for heart attack survivors to have sex.
The news follows a study, reported in today's Daily Mail, which suggests more than half of men and two thirds of women get no advice on sex when they leave hospital, meaning they tend to abstain for up to a year after their treatment.
Elsewhere, the Telegraph reveals that people who visit beauty clinics for laser hair removal or to smooth blemished skin risk permanent blindness and scarring as the industry is ‘dangerously unregulated'. It highlights that beauticians can purchase cheap laser machines for as little as £1,600 without having to receive safety training.
The Guardian has news that many local authorities, PCTs and sexual health charities have found the best way to communicate sexual health messages to young people is through text, apps and social media. Apparently sexual health charity Brook now receives a hefty 5000 queries a year to their instant answer text service.