A new study has estimated that drug resistant infections will kill an extra 10 million people a year worldwide by 2050 unless action is taken.
The BBC reports on an analysis, presented by the economist Jim O’Neill, that said the costs would spiral to £63tn.
He was appointed by Prime Minister David Cameron in July to head a review of antimicrobial resistance.
They are currently implicated in 700,000 deaths each year.
A number of publications are reporting that breastfeeding could cut the chance of breast cancer by up to one fifth.
The Telegraph runs a story that research on more than 750,000 women found it was that breastfeeding was a ‘powerful strategy’ to reduce the risk of cancer.
Experts said thousands of cases of cancer could be prevented and lives saved if Britain improved rates of breastfeeding.
A study in the online journal Open Heart has found that sugar is worse than salt for pushing up blood pressure, the Telegraph reports.
The authors of the study say the benefits of cutting salt intake to lower high blood pressure ‘are debatable’, and that advice should focus on reducing sugar.