By Laura Passi
Our roundup of health news headlines on Tuesday 26 October.
‘6bn funding gap threatens NHS services' reports The Independent. The King's Fund has warned that ‘the NHS will face a funding gap of around £6bn a year by 2015'.
This is because the rate of inflation in the heath service is much higher than that of the economy (due to fast rising costs), so the ‘promise to "protect" NHS spending is correct only if economy-wide inflation measures are used.'
‘Rather than George Osborne's claim that the NHS will get a real-terms rise of 0.1% a year, the NHS will in effect face a reduction of more than 1 per cent a year if it is to maintain existing levels of treatment and cover, given changes in the population, says the Kings Fund.'
‘HMV voucher bribe for teenage girls to have cervical jabs: Fury at ‘promiscuity scheme' as NHS faces cuts'. Says the Daily Mail. In a bid to encourage people to finish the full course of HPV vaccinations, three injections, Birmingham East and North primary care trust will give £45 ‘love to shop' vouchers to those who do. You may or may not agree.
Lastly, the Telegraph reports that scientists have developed a contraceptive gel for women. The gel can be slapped all over your thighs (and your face if you really want to keep men away) and replaces the conventional pill. Quite what the advantage of a gel versus a simple pill, I am less sure of.
Spotted a story we've missed? Let us know, and we'll update the digest throughout the day...
Daily Digest - 26 Oct 2010