RCGP chair Professor Clare Gerada has been appointed to lead a ‘transformation’ of GP services in London when she steps down from the college next month.
A spokesperson for NHS England London Region told Pulse that Professor Gerada had been appointed clinical chair for primary care transformation in London, charged with improving primary care services alongside London mayor Boris Johnson.
The spokesperson said that the planned programme of work will be revealed over the next few weeks, but would be taking forward NHS England’s ‘call to action’ on reforming GP services launched earlier this month.
The statement from NHS England London Region said: ‘We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Clare Gerada to the role of clinical chair for primary care transformation in London.
‘NHS England has published a document entitled Improving General Practice – a call to action which sets the case for improving primary care services nationwide. As part of this national call to action, the London region is also mobilising a programme of work for the transformation of GP services in the capital.
‘This will be clinically led, with Dr Gerada playing a key role as clinical chair, and it will also incorporate a strong patient voice. NHS England will be working in partnership with the London Health Board, led by Boris Johnson, London Clinical Commissioning Council, the London wide LMCs, London Councils and the Royal College of General Practitioners.’
The spokesperson added: ‘Primary care in London faces unique challenges due to the diverse population it serves. NHS England are working to improve services across the capital, ensuring all Londoners receive the best care possible. Dr Gerada’s wealth of expertise will assist with this, and her appointment is great news for London.’
Professor Gerada is currently cycling from London to Paris in aid of The Royal British Legion - you can sponsor her here.