Average earnings across all types of GPs in England fell by 1.2%, from £91,200 to £90,100, according to the latest data.
The official publication from NHS Digital, for the year 2015/16, showed the average GP partner earned £101,300 after expenses, down by a not statistically significant 0.05%.
At the same time, the average income for salaried GPs reduced by 1.5% to £55,800.
The only group to see their earnings increase in 2015/16 were partners in GMS-contracted practices, who saw a rise of 1.8%. However for their PMS counterparts, earnings decreased by 1.9%.
Chair of the BMA’s GP committee Dr Richard Vautrey told Pulse it was ‘unacceptable’ that GP pay was falling, adding it was ‘no wonder’ young GPs were not choosing the profession while older doctors ‘are retiring as soon as they can’.
Dr Vautrey pointed out the data had proved the GPC right when they raised concerns back in 2015 that the Government’s pledge of a 1% pay uplift in 2015 would fall well short.
At the time, the Department of Health accepted recommendations by the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration (DDRB) to increase practice funding by 1.16%.
Dr Vautrey said: ‘It is completely unacceptable at a time when there is growing and justified anger around the Government’s pay cap.
‘It shows the reality for GPs is that their pay is going backwards rather than a 1% pay uplift.’
Changes in real terms average gross earnings, expenses and income before tax by practice type for GMS and PMS contractor GPs in the UK
Source: NHS Digital