Ministers are currently reviewing recommendations on GP pay, after the independent review body submitted its report.
The report from the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration (DDRB) has not yet been published, however the Department of Health and Social Care told Pulse it has been shared with the Government.
Typically published in March, ahead of the 1 April implementation date of annual GP contract changes, the delayed report had initially been expected last month.
A DHSC spokesperson said: ‘We have received the report and are currently considering its findings.’
The Government has said any contractual uplift resulting from the review of the report will be backdated.
The GP contract negotiations for England concluded with a 3.4% uplift to overall funding for 2018/19, including a 1% provisional pay uplift pending the DDRB review.
Welsh GPs have also received a provisional 1% uplift, while in Northern Ireland an £8.8m funding uplift was awarded, with news on a GP pay uplift to ‘follow later in the year’ pending the DDRB report.
The pay uplift for Scottish GPs is also dependent on the DDRB recommendations, despite the introduction of a new Scottish GP contract from April.
The BMA has requested a GP pay uplift of of 2% plus RPI.