NICE advisors recommended all indicators on atrial fibrillation, CHD, PAD, hypothyroidism, asthma, COPD, dementia, mental health, cancer, palliative care, epilepsy, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis are retained.
They recommended the following should be removed from the QOF:
- 12-monthly annual reviews (revert to 15-monthly)
- HYP004 and HYP005 (worth 11 points in total)
- DEP001 (21 points)
- OB001 for obesity case-finding (8 points)
- Learning disability indicators LD001 and LD002 (7 points in total)
- Maternity (MAT001) and child health surveillance (CHS001) (12 points in total) – more appropriately delivered through CCG outcomes indicator set
- DM0015 and DM0016 – could be temporarily removed or included in DM0014
- ‘Some’ CVD prevention and smoking indicators
They also recommended the following should be looked at:
- Cutting follow-up review invitations – as most patients may attend after the first invite
- CKD indicators – to be reviewed after NICE guidance update
- Cervical screening and contraception indicators – to be reviewed with Public Health England input
- Moving further indicators into other frameworks, eg, CCG outcomes indicator set
- Introducing broader clinical areas – to simplify
- Recycling clinical areas – periodically removing and reintroducing them
Source: NICE QOF committee – meeting minutes